“General” American 102—Building Skills



On July 1st, we’ll explore:

  • Some of the trickiest vowel sounds in “General” American
  • How ‘r’ sounds work when they come after a vowel sound
  • How stress and rhythm function in American English
  • Going deeper into the oral posture of the accent
  • How to warm-up properly to get quicker results

The details:

  • The workshop will run from 12:00pm to 2:30pm Eastern Standard Time on Saturday, July 1st.
  • It will be held over the user-friendly Zoom platform. You will be sent an invitation to attend a Zoom “meeting” the day before the workshop.
  • Zoom will support attendance via computer, tablet, or phone, so you can attend from anywhere.
  • The full workshop will also be recorded, so that you can review it at your convenience, even if you aren’t able to attend live! This also means you can review the workshop again any time you want!

Welcome to “General” American 102!